How to dynamically update your sitemap in Ruby

A few months ago I received the task of making the opens a new window sitemap refresh automatically after each deploy. That sounds like it would be pretty straightforward if we didn’t have one issue (it’s never that easy, right?). For the blog opens a new window we created a gem that encapsulates a Jekyll opens a new window application. The discussion of why do we have a gem for our blog is actually a good topic for a new post. For now, I want to focus on the sitemap task that I had.

Since the blog is a gem, we also need to make sure that whatever tool we use to generate the sitemap covers new blog posts.

In this article I’ll show you my journey to figure out how to make everything work together.

First of all: what is a sitemap?

According to Google opens a new window itself:

“A sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationships between them. Search engines like Google read this file to more intelligently crawl your site.”

It tells search engines which pages and files you think are important in your site, and also provides valuable information about these files: for example, when was the last time the page was updated, how often the page changes, among others.

So it’s important to always keep it up-to-date.

Configuring the Gem

Listing all routes of a website and adding them to an XML file seems to be a repetitive task, so I thought that we might have a gem for it already. And we do. It’s the sitemap_generator opens a new window gem, which does exactly what we need: provide a few rails tasks to generate and refresh the application’s sitemap.

Installing the gem is pretty easy, just add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'sitemap_generator'

Run bundle install and then run this task:

rake sitemap:install

That will create a config file with some information to be used by the gem, like the sample below:

require 'sitemap_generator'

SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.default_host = ''
SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create do
  add '/home', :changefreq => 'daily', :priority => 0.9
  add '/contact_us', :changefreq => 'weekly'

As you can see, inside the Sitemap.create block we need to add all routes of our site.

If your site has only static content, your job here is done. You just need to use the rails task from the sitemap_generator itself rake sitemap:refresh and a sitemap.xml file will be added to the public folder.

But in my case new routes will be added every time someone writes a new article. And as we know, the blog is a Jekyll application, so we can’t get the routes using the rake task provided by the sitemap_generator gem.

Generating the sitemap index

To solve this issue, my idea was to change the sitemap_generator config to create two sitemaps (one for the blog and one for the website) and add them to an index file instead of generating just one sitemap.xml file.

This is how the config/sitemap.rb file needs to be changed:

blog_sitemap_opts = {
  create_index: false,
  default_host: '',
  compress: false,
  sitemaps_path: '',

SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create blog_sitemap_opts do
  pages = Dir["public/blog/**/*.html"]
  pages.each do |blog_page|
    add blog_page, changefreq: 'weekly'

sitemap_opts = {
  create_index: false,
  default_host: '',
  compress: false,
  sitemaps_path: '',

SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create sitemap_opts do
  add '/#contact-us', changefreq: 'weekly'
  add '/team', changefreq: 'weekly'

  # all other important pages here

  add_to_index "blog_sitemap.xml", host: ENV['SITE_URL']

As you can see, in the first SitemapGenerator::Sitemap.create block we are listing all files inside the blog folder and adding their path to the blog_sitemap.xml file.

After that we are generating the sitemap for the website itself, listing all important pages and adding the blog_sitemap to the index.

You can see the sitemap index file generated by this config at this link opens a new window . It would be like this:

<sitemapindex xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

And this is it!

We know that, for better SEO, it is important to have a sitemap file. But since this is a static file sometimes it’s a little tricky to keep it updated. So I just described my solution to that issue.

What about you? Do you use a different strategy? Let me know in the comments!