Articles about
User Experience
This is part of our series on design sprints.
If you haven’t read our previous articles, I encourage you to read more about
our design sprint process.
Day 5 of the design sprint is about testing your prototype and getting feedback on your ideas. That way, you can quickly learn what is or isn’t working about the concept. Yesterday, the interviewer spent time putting together a list of questions for the interview sessions. Earlier this week, your team recruited 5 participants for Friday’s research. Now you are ready to do the dang thing.
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This is part of our series on design sprints.
If you haven’t read our previous articles, I encourage you to read more about
our design sprint process.
Day 4 is a little different from the other days of the Design Sprint.
Instead of a series of workshops, we will spend most of the day each working on one
part of the prototype.
Towards the end of the day, we will do a test run to check on our progress and
adjust from there.
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Day 3 is all about picking a direction and going forward with it. Over the course of the third day of the Design Sprint, we will assess which parts of our designs are most successful and create a storyboard to show the steps that our target customer might take towards achieving the goal.
Remember your sketches from Day 2? It’s time for the team to see them. The purpose of this activity is for the entire team to see each other’s work and get to pick out all the best pieces for our next activity.
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