How to Integrate Bitrix24 with your Rails app: Part 1

In a recent project for OmbuLabs, we had to integrate Bitrix24 (the tool that the client was using to administrate their business) with the Rails application that we were building for a client.

The goal of this integration was to sync data between the Rails app and the Bitrix CRM. Basically we wanted to pull data from Bitrix every time there was a change (i.e. Lead was created/updated). We also wanted to sync the other way around, push changes to Bitrix every time something changed on the Rails side.

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A Gentle Introduction To Docker

If you’re like I was not too long ago, the DevOps world gives you a chance to experience what most non-developers probably feel like when they read about what we do on a day to day basis - confused, and maybe a little bored and frustrated, with an utter lack of even basic knowledge. It doesn’t help that DevOps is rapidly becoming a field of expertise unto itself, or that most of the relevant players seem determined to hide behind vague descriptions like “enterprise platform” and “containerization solution.” As a day to day working developer, adding an entire new skillset can be a daunting and intimidating prospect.

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Tips for Working Remotely in a Team

We have been a fully remote company for a year and a half now. Making the transition to being fully remote can be challenging for any team. During the past year and a half we have worked on making sure that our team is as productive, communicative and social as it was when we had a traditional office space. Here are some tips that we have found to be useful for remote teams:

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Contributing To Open Source

Contributing to open source might be scary, you might think that your pull request (PR) is not good enough; that people will judge you by your code; or that fixing that little typo is not worth it.

I had all these questions in my head before I submitted my first contribution to an open source project and it stopped me many times.

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Code Conventions and Rubocop

Everyone has had the experience of working on a gnarly, difficult to understand code-base. The sort of code base that makes you hate your job. Often it comes down to poor design, but code conventions also play a large part in whether you wake up dreading your job in the morning. The overall design (choice of design patterns and how modules and classes are organized and factored) is the long range, big picture strategy of how an application will be made. Code conventions, by contrast, come down to the choices you make about which constructs of a language you use, which you don’t, and when.

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Working With Subcontractors

Out of all the problems an agency might face, “we have more opportunities than we can handle” is not something you’ll typically hear anyone complaining about. For those who are lucky enough to be in that position, it’s always thought of as being “a good problem to have.” But make no mistake, having more opportunities than you can handle can be a real problem. Aside from the obvious opportunity costs of all the work not taken, there are often good reasons why you may not be able to expand your permanent headcount just yet.

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Submit Great Pull Requests

Pull Requests let developers tell other team members about changes they’ve made to a project repository. Once a pull request is created, team members can review the set of changes, discuss potential modifications and even push follow-up commits before the changes are merged into the repository. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your pull requests are easily understandable to the reviewers.

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Processing a CSV file in batch with Sidekiq

Sidekiq Pro comes with a great feature to process a collection of jobs as a batch, allowing them to be monitored as a group and executing a callback function when all the jobs are finished. This is useful when you need to load a lot of spreadsheet files into your database.

Recently, that was the case of one of OmbuLabs’ clients. They needed to upload a CSV file with over 10 thousand rows of loans data, which makes processing the file synchronously impossible because the browser will time out after a few seconds. Breaking the file into smaller ones wasn’t a good idea either, because it would take an unacceptable amount of time to finish. So we decided to use the Sidekiq’s batch logic.

Since Sidekiq Pro wasn’t an option at the time, we had the challenge of implementing the same pattern that Sidekiq Pro uses in their Batches processing. This article will show how we did it.

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Quick and easy admin options

One of the first complications that most webapps of any complexity will run into is the need for privileged users who can do things that normal users can’t or shouldn’t be able to do. Before too long, you’re headed towards writing your very own administrative interface. This is not only extra work, but can be tricky to do without compromising the security of the application you’re administering. Most Rails developers will be familiar with this story, and Rails being Rails, it turns out that there are a couple of good options for extending your existing applications with a pre-generated, customizable admin console.

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